ENS Avatars
The Nomad collection introduces ENS avatars, an innovation enabled by the ENS Name Wrapper Contract which allows Nomad PFPs to also function as subdomains of earth.eth.

The Name Wrapper enables any .eth name to be turned into an NFT, a game changer for structuring natively decentralized communities. Moving forward, what we’re calling super-domains will be key to driving stickiness amongst communities. This makes .earth a first of its kind superdomain community.
The Name Wrapper gives subdomains the rights to be 1) traded, 2) transferred, 3) create further subdomains, and support metadata.

Each fuse can be enabled or disabled by the parent domain, making these NFTs unruggable. The earth.eth parent domain currently controls how the subdomains are created, allowing us to create as many tiers of subdomains as we choose. The possibilities of subdomain creation are endless, with unlimited parent and child domain combinations.
France.earth.eth >> Paris.France.earth.eth >> Eiffeltower.France.earth.eth
Nomads are creating a new gold standard for PFPs…now powered by ENS!
“Nomads are ENS Avatars numbered 000 - 9999.earth.eth, creating a gold standard for PFPs…powered by ENS”
The Art
We wanted to flip the script on PFPs for the Nomad collection, not just with the tech, but also with the art.
Traditional PFP projects focus on the concept of an “avatar”, where human traits are applied to entities such as apes, cats, and monsters. Trait variation generally comes from characters being “dressed” or layered with accessories like hats, sunglasses, cigars, and the avatar taking on forms such as “alien”, “zombie”.
With the Nomad PFP, we wanted to invert this narrative. While the PFP is centred around a largely unchanging base form, unique variations come from its changing backgrounds. Diverse landscapes, changing skies, times of day, aerial objects, and erratic weather patterns make up the different traits in the Nomad collection.
The Nomad is composed of…
the nomadThe Nomad face represents the juxtaposition or uneven overlapping of different aspects of ourselves. On the left, the Nomads are rooted in surreal geographies around the world. On the right, the physical landscapes are abstracted away, just as we are in our virtual worlds, and the colors from the landscape are segmented into unique barcodes.
personasThe Nomad takes on three different personas, the prominent monolith persona, the introvert, and the invisible Nomad. The eyes are a striking feature of the Nomads, depicting masculine, feminine, open and closed identities.
a landscapeLandscapes are depictions of real-world places, containing meaningful memories, desires, hopes and inspirations. From the Avenue of the Baobabs, to the Twelve Apostles, the Hyperion Tree, and the Sydney Opera House, the Nomad wanders through various geographies of .earth.
a momentThe moment layer constitutes time, a critical element. The positioning of celestial bodies and colors of the sky tell us stories of night and day, twilight zones, meteor showers, pink sunsets, winter equinoxes, summer solstices, and blue moons, all encompassing symbolic moments in the travelling lives of Nomads.
weather patternsWeather is just as unpredictable in .earth as it is on Earth. Bolts of lightening, heavy rain, snow storms, and magnificent metallic rainbows are all featured in the Nomad experience.
aerial objectsVarious objects populate the skies in the world of Nomads, embodying elements of absurdity and wonder. Some denote significant human feats of aviation and engineering, such as Sputnik, rocket-ships and airplanes. Others personify curiosity and mystery—paper planes, a golden hot air balloon, UFOs, a zeppelin, the Big Dipper.
Our intent was to capture the “nomadic” nature of Web3 and the constant ebb and flow of our digital identities:
introverted/extroverted, up/down, left/right, in/out, up/down, real/surreal, IRL/virtual, analog/digital.